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1.Wu Bin Ying, Zhe Yu, Do Hwan Kim, Kyung Jin Lee, Han Hu, Yiwei Liu, Zhengyang Kong, Kai Wang, Jie Shang,* Ruoyu Zhang,* Jin Zhu, and Run-Wei Li. Waterproof, Highly Tough, and Fast Self-Healing Polyurethane for Durable Electronic Skin[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(9):11072-11083.


2.Ying Qiao, Chengkai Zhai, Fei Liu, Lai Chen, Haining Na, Jing Chen, Jin Zhu. Highly Efficient Microwave Driven Assisted Hydrolysis of Cellulose to Sugar with the Utilization of ZrO2 to Inhibit Recrystallization of Cellulose[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 228,115358.


3.Ying Qiao, Lixin Feng, Zhongqiu Li, Zhenyu Zhang, Jing Chen, Haining Na, Jin Zhu, Lai Chen. Introduction of ZrO2 with Strong Adsorption into Microwave Driven Hydrolysis of Low Crystalline Cellulose in Aqueous System to Induce High Efficiency[J]. Chinese journal of chemistry, 2020, 38, 399-405.


4.Qiong Li, Songqi Ma*, Sheng Wang, Yanlin Liu, Muhammad Abu Taher, Binbo Wang, Kaifeng Huang, Xiwei Xu, Yingying Han, Jin Zhu. Green and facile preparation of readily dual-recyclable thermosetting polymers with superior stability based on asymmetric acetal [J]. Macromolecules, Vol. 53, No.4, 2020, pp.1474-1485. 


5.Binbo Wang, Songqi Ma*, Qiong Li, Hua Zhang, Junjie Liu, Rong Wang, Zhiquan Chen, Xiwei Xu, Sheng Wang, Na Lu, Yanlin Liu, Shifeng Yan, Jin Zhu, Facile synthesis of “digestible”, rigid-and-flexible, bio-based building block for high-performance degradable thermosetting plastics [J]. Green Chemistry, Vol. 22, No.4, 2020, pp.1275-1290.


6. Zhenyu Zhang, Ying Qiao, Fei Liu, Jing Chen, Haining Na*, and Jin Zhu, Utilization of hydroxyl enriched glucose-based carbonaceous sphere (HEGCS) as a catalytic accelerator to enhance the hydrolysis of cellulose to sugar [J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020,12,25693-25699.


7. BAOHAI PAN, JUNCHENG HUANG,LAI CHEN, FEI LIU*, CHEN JING,HAINING NA,* AND JIN ZHU, Preparation of Corn Cellulose Films with Controllable

Mechanical Property by UsingSwitchable CO2/DBU/DMSO System, Journal of Polymer Materials, 2020,37,17-27.


8. 马晓振,罗 清,秦冬冬,陈 景∗∗,朱 锦,颜 宁4∗∗, 木质素基生物质聚氨酯, PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY, 2020,32(5), 617-626.


9. Qing Luo,a Jing Chen, *a Pitchaimari Gnanasekar,b Xiaozhen Ma,ad

Dongdong Qin,c Haining Na, a Jin Zhua and Ning Yan*b, A facile preparation strategy of polycaprolactone (PCL)-based biodegradable polyurethane elastomer with a highly efficient shape memory effect, New journal of chemistry, 2020,44,658-662.


10. Yong Yanga,b, An-Ping Tiana, Ya-Jin Fanga, Jing-Gang Wanga*, and Jin Zhua*, Improvement in Toughness of Poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate) by Melt Blending with Bio-based Polyamide11 in the Presence of a Reactive Compatibilizer, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2020,38,1099-1106.


11. Xiwei Xu,ab Songqi Ma, *a Sheng Wang,ac Jiahui Wu,b Qiong Li,ac Na Lu,ac Yanlin Liu,a Jintao Yang,b Jie Feng b and Jin Zhua, Dihydrazone-based dynamic covalent epoxy networks with high creep resistance, controlled degradability, and intrinsic antibacterial properties from bioresources, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020,8,11261-11274.


12. Sheng Wang, Songqi Ma,* Qiong Li, Xiwei Xu, Binbo Wang, Kaifeng Huang, Yanlin liu, and Jin Zhu, Facile Preparation of Polyimine Vitrimers with Enhanced Creep Resistance and Thermal and Mechanical Properties via Metal Coordination, Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 2919−2931.


13. Sheng Wang,ab Songqi Ma, *a Lijun Cao,ab Qiong Li,ab Qing Ji,c

Juncheng Huang,a Na Lu,ab Xiwei Xu,a Yanlin Liua and Jin Zhu*a, Conductive vitrimer nanocomposites enable advanced and recyclable thermo-sensitive materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8, 11681-11686.


14. Binbo Wang, Songqi Ma,* Xiwei Xu, Qiong Li, Tao Yu, Sheng Wang, Shifeng Yan,* Yanlin Liu,* and Jin Zhu, High-Performance, Biobased, Degradable Polyurethane Thermoset and Its Application in Readily Recyclable Carbon Fiber Composites, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 11162−11170.


15. Yanlin Liua,Songqi Ma⁎, Qiong Lia,b,Sheng Wanga,b,Kaifeng Huanga,Xiwei Xua,Binbo Wanga,Jin Zhua, Dynamic transfer auto-catalysis of epoxy vitrimers enabled by the carboxylic acid/epoxy ratio based on facilely synthesized trifunctional monoesterified cyclic anhydrides, European Polymer Journal, 2020, 135, 109881-109893.


16. Qiong Li1,2Songqi Ma*,1Jingjing Wei1 Sheng Wang1,2Xiwei Xu1Kaifeng Huang1 Binbo Wang1Wangchao Yuan1,2Jin Zhu1, Preparation of Non-Planar-Ring Epoxy Thermosets Combining Ultra-Strong Shape Memory Effects and High Performance, Macromolecular Research, 2020, 28, 480-493.


17. Qiong Li,a,b Songqi Ma, *a Na Lu,a,b Jianfan Qiu,a,b Jiale Ye,a Yanlin Liu,aSheng Wang,a,b Yingying Han,c Binbo Wang,a Xiwei Xu,a Hongzhi Fenga,b andJin Zhu*a, Concurrent thiol–ene competitive reactions provide reprocessable, degradable and creep-resistant dynamic–permanent hybrid covalent networks, Green Chemistry, 2020, 22, 7769-7777.


18. Yanying Hao, Anping Tian, Jin Zhu, Jinshi Fan,* and Yong Yang*, Synthesis and Evaluation of Bio-Based Plasticizers from 5‑Hydroxymethyl-2-Furancarboxylic Acid for Poly(vinyl chloride), INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 2020, 59, 18290−18297.


19. Xiaozhen Ma, Jing Chen,* Jin Zhu, and Ning Yan*, Lignin-Based Polyurethane: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2020, 2000492-2000505.


20. 温 勇1 罗 清2 陈 景1∗ 那海宁1∗ 朱 锦1, 含聚丁二烯及氢化软段聚氨酯老化机理与性能研究, 化工新型材料, 2020,48(6),203-207.


21. Xiaoqin Zhang1,2 | Shugang Ma3 | Ang Shen1,2 | Jin Zhu1,2 | Zhisen Shen4 |Jinggang Wang1,2 | Xiaoqing Liu1,2, High molecular weight poly(butylene terephthalate-co-butylene 2,5-furan dicarboxylate) copolyesters: From synthesis to thermomechanical and barrier properties, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 2020;137:e49365-e49377.


日期:2020-11-05, 查看:2581